Because this project will generate a shed-load of tags, the tag library is not appropriate for display on the main page of this blog. The tag list is presented here to allow searching by tags to go back through older posts, and to see just how frequently tags have been used.
My general rule on tags is that each post gets the first letter of the album title (or at least what it was categorised under in WMP; note: albums filed under punctuation and numbers did not get a tag for this), the year of release, the artist name and the nationality of the artist (we'll see what happens when this is not uniform later!). After that, other musicians named in the post are added, even if it is just a passing mention. The exception to this is compilations or other albums by various artists, as this would lead to horrific tag abuse.
Everything else should be considered an unreliably applied bumper-sticker, with some more useful than others. I will try to be consistent with tags that have some utility, like "free music" where I will generally point to the source of that download, but I will not guarantee 100% consistent coverage of useful stuff.
Genre labels are not applied. I may eventually write a more detailed post about why, or add that to this page, but in brief: genre typing is primarily subjective nonsense beyond the macro-scale, and I find macrogenres so wide as to be functionally useless.
Genre labels are not applied. I may eventually write a more detailed post about why, or add that to this page, but in brief: genre typing is primarily subjective nonsense beyond the macro-scale, and I find macrogenres so wide as to be functionally useless.