OK so... I only had 1 track from this album when I went to start this post, but 11 of the other 12 were free downloads on LastFM so I figured I would grab those before I begin. Not knowing any of these artists from Adam, I fully expect to be deleting the lot as soon as I am done - but even at 12 tracks it only clocks in at half an hour and the track titles are pretty fantastic so it is worth a punt.
I start the listen and am confronted with waves, then synths. It does not make me think of Myanmar, but the sound suggests that Psy-Sci is probably an apt name for the artist. It is pleasant enough until some really bad harmonics cut in towards the end... weirdly the first two tracks seem to cut together. Was this a mix in origin rather than just a sampler/compilation?
The music continues to tend to the odd, I suspected as much, but Cowboys Still Matter is more tuneful. The whole thing has an air of the forgettable about it though.
Medusa Palace Casino's track is less offensive than I would expect from the title, though there are some uncomfortable chords and dissonant sounds emerging throughout. I won't be sorry to see this go.
"The Van Allen Belt" is a great band name, and Solar Crosses... is the first track from the album that I think is any good. Cowboys was alright, this is a step up. The construction of the tune, layering of sound textures and pulling together of the different pieces works. I am sad when it segues into another tune, especially one a lot worse, as it does. Despite that, by the end I am into the rhythm of This is My Cancer.
Orangebox's track is a little atonal in places but otherwise quite lovely, so I go download another free-through-LastFM track which I shall add to the end of this listen since it was from another compilation called 30 days (and is thus the first item to be acquired after the point I would encounter it in the project)... oh, wait. That album is also made up of largely free music. I guess I will grab the lot and come back to it in the next post. Time to Fire Isiah was the tune I already had, I think as a result of having a Nathan Michel track on another compilation somewhere. I am not enamoured of it, but it is better than most of the rest here.
The final track I have (there are 13 on the full disc according to LastFM) has the best name but uses some really horrible vocal effects that mean it is also a definite dumper. In summary, I expect to keep just 3 tracks here. Orangebox, The Van Allen Belt and Ernest Gonzales made those. The rest are gone. Free is always worth investigating, but the price of acquisition is not a reason to keep a hold of something!
I start the listen and am confronted with waves, then synths. It does not make me think of Myanmar, but the sound suggests that Psy-Sci is probably an apt name for the artist. It is pleasant enough until some really bad harmonics cut in towards the end... weirdly the first two tracks seem to cut together. Was this a mix in origin rather than just a sampler/compilation?
The music continues to tend to the odd, I suspected as much, but Cowboys Still Matter is more tuneful. The whole thing has an air of the forgettable about it though.
Medusa Palace Casino's track is less offensive than I would expect from the title, though there are some uncomfortable chords and dissonant sounds emerging throughout. I won't be sorry to see this go.
"The Van Allen Belt" is a great band name, and Solar Crosses... is the first track from the album that I think is any good. Cowboys was alright, this is a step up. The construction of the tune, layering of sound textures and pulling together of the different pieces works. I am sad when it segues into another tune, especially one a lot worse, as it does. Despite that, by the end I am into the rhythm of This is My Cancer.
Orangebox's track is a little atonal in places but otherwise quite lovely, so I go download another free-through-LastFM track which I shall add to the end of this listen since it was from another compilation called 30 days (and is thus the first item to be acquired after the point I would encounter it in the project)... oh, wait. That album is also made up of largely free music. I guess I will grab the lot and come back to it in the next post. Time to Fire Isiah was the tune I already had, I think as a result of having a Nathan Michel track on another compilation somewhere. I am not enamoured of it, but it is better than most of the rest here.
The final track I have (there are 13 on the full disc according to LastFM) has the best name but uses some really horrible vocal effects that mean it is also a definite dumper. In summary, I expect to keep just 3 tracks here. Orangebox, The Van Allen Belt and Ernest Gonzales made those. The rest are gone. Free is always worth investigating, but the price of acquisition is not a reason to keep a hold of something!